
Spirulina-The super power essential food

Before continuing this post.. to those who not yet know what and how is the spirulina looks like.. well then.. here it is..~
Obviously it's green and look not tasty.. absurdly healthy and at the first look.. almost everyone assume that spirulina comes from vegetables. At least that was what I thought at my first try..!Actually,this blue green algae is a fresh water plant related to chlorella and being the most talked about superfoods today.I read that the algae actualy grown around the world from Mexico to Africa to even Hawaii.Spirulina is now renowned for its intense flavor and even more powerful nutrition profile!

I've been started taking Spirulina like for 3 months now. When I was little, my family used to take Spirulina as supplement but unfortunately my mom's body can't stand with the algae.Actually, what happens when you eat spirulina is, your body flushes all the toxins and boosting up energy for the day.But trust me, your body will get hot and you'll need to drink much water for your body to flush the toxins.My mum can't stand for the heat from her body, and she got her gum swollen after consuming spirulina. Advice: drink lots of water when consuming spirulina..! Serious..!
Mine one is in tablet like. There are powders to.
Okay.. actually what do the spirulina does and what kind of benefits will we get?

1.Detoxes Heavy Metals (especially Arsenic)
You know, we now live in a modern era where all types of pollution is just there and we have no choice than just exposing ourselves to the hazards. I mean, you'll not just stay in your house forever and not getting out right. And actually, we consume high concentration of heavy metals especially arsenic through drinking water..! There is no specific treatment for arsenic poisoning but through the consumption of spirulina,47% or arsenic poisoning can be reduced from your body. We in Japan, drink water directly from pipes as we always been told that the water is cleaned and purified and it's safe to drink direct from pipes, still.. i'm kind like worry about it and taking spirulina is a must.

2.Eliminates Candida
According to researchers, “Candida species belong to the normal microbiota of an individual’s mucosal oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and vagina.”Specifically, spirulina benefits have been shown to promote the growth of healthy bacterial flora in the intestines, which in turn inhibits Candida from thriving. Additionally, the immune-strengthening properties of spirulina will help the body eliminate Candida cells

3.Improves HIV/AIDS
  1. Absolutely no adverse effects were experienced from both seaweed varieties and the combination.
  2. CD4 cells (T-helper white blood cells that fight infection and are used to stage HIV) and HIV-1 viral load (another HIV biomarker) remained stable.
4. Helps Prevent Cancer
I can's talk much about this coz I have no experience in cancer problems nor my family members or friends.But I got to know that According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, “A number of animal and test tube studies suggest that spirulina increases production of antibodies, infection-fighting proteins, and other cells that improve immunity and help ward off infection and chronic illnesses such as cancer.”

5.Lowers Blood Pressure
Phycocyanin is a pigment found in the spirulina that scientists have discovered possesses antihypertensive effects (it lowers blood pressure).Japanese researchers claim that this is because consuming the blue-green algae reverses endothelial dysfunction in metabolic syndrome.

6.Speeds Up Weight Loss
Uuuhh.. I love this one.. huahaha.. Diets high in nutrient-dense protein-rich foods like spirulina promote weight loss and low-fat stores through a variety of mechanisms. Because it takes more energy to metabolize, for example, eating protein helps maintain lean tissue and contributes to fat burning it do really helps in weight loss.Me myself had lost some weight about 3 kilos for the past three months and my weight had been steady since then.Take it 10 tablets daily, I take 5 in the moring and another 5 at night.
My mum got me four boxes of it..! In Japan it's quite expensive
so I brought it from Malaysia
There are still much more benefits of spirulina.The prices range about rm 100 for a box(300 tablets) that last for a month.I used to get it from Cosway as my mum is Cosway's loyal member.. Haha.. You get discounts for most of the products by signing up as a member for Cosway.
Everyone now is comparing spirulina and chorella , who's the best, which one is worth it and so on. But to me personally, Spirulina..! Well you can choose.. There are differences in many aspects like how it's grown, the preparations, the benefits and etc. But still both are green -_- and good to consume to. Together we care our health..! that's it.. thanks for reading :)

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