When I stayed in Kuala Lumpur for 2 years for my preparation to Japan Universities at University of Malaya, i'd travelled a lot.. tipu la travel a lot.. that time baru pelajar Ambang Asuhan Jepun and scholarship from JPA around 4K something..~ but I travel jugak la..~ huh..~
Tips to travel in Malaysia..

2. Bring along everything you call sun screen or sun block or whatever it is.. you'll get sunburn easily here coz it's hot in Malaysia. Don't worry about the heat because the are abundant of delicious fruits you can enjoy here to cool down the heat. always stick with mineral water..~
3.Do not leave your bags or belongings alone... NEVER! you're not in Japan la where you can assume you wallet is still there even if you left it in the train after few stations.. Avoid small alleys in night if you're wandering around KL..
4.Try all the delicious food as much as you can.. so that you'll not regret later.. NASI LEMAK, NASI AYAM, LAKSA,CENDOL@ABC, MEE BANDUNG and some others la.. if you want to try some seasonal food.. come on the right month..
Jan-Feb: Chinese New Year(Chinese festivals)
Oct-Nov:Deepavali(Indian festivals)
*Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Aidiladha.. can't say anything about this because it depends on the Hijrah(Islamic) calendar.
5.When you are buying gifts, do bargain. You may get discounts or free gifts if you're lucky. We Malaysian loves bargains.. There are many places around KL that are tax free.. and there abundance of place for shopaholic in KL..
6.Do not simply shake hands or touch because for the Islam it is forbidden to touch the opposite gender. For other religion I guess it is okay.. but if you are unsure just wait and follow how other Malaysian greet you.
7.Electricity there is 240 volt and a UK flat 3 pin plug is commonly used.
8.Most of the Malaysian can speak fluently in English.. so don't worry about communication. Hey, it's not a bad idea if you memorize some of the simple malay words to ease your journey...!
9.Travelling is not that hard.. we have trains,buses and cabs that connect you everywhere around KL.
Places to visit around Kuala Lumpur

2.Jalan Tar.. the shopping heaven. Get beautiful clothes, bags, shoes, perfumes and etc there at the best price.. sure you'll be excited..! You can bargain the prices here..
3.Masjid Negara & Dataran Merdeka.. It gets crowded there when Merdeka day(Independence day). View Islamic beauty and art at the Masjid Negara.
4.Pasar Seni (Central Market).. you can shops for creative crafts there but the prices are expensive because of the high value sense of art.
5.Malls: Mid Valley,Times Square, Bukit Bintang. At Sunway Piramid, you can experience ice skating even though it is hot and sunny day..~
6.Try great food in Malay style at Kampung Baru
Well, those are some tips and some of our little thoughts if you ask us where to go to travel around KL.. Hope those information can help even though a little. see ya...!
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