
Spaghetti Mushroom Soup

Lately, it's been cold here and I've been craving something hot and gravy meal and yet,  not that hard to prepare ! Then I came up with the idea cooking the spaghetti with the mushroom soup Campbell like my mom used to serve us when we're little. It's easy, yummy and most importantly.. it's HEALTHY..! :)
The ingredients are fairly cheap and it takes a very short time to prepare this delicious meal.All you need are some spaghetti of any brand, prawns, broccoli, mushrooms, a slice of chicken, and most important, Campbell's Mushroom Soup.

First, cook the spaghetti(I broke it into half, haha.. no time sitting around guarding it coz I used to found the tip of the spaghetti got burnt) as directed on the package. Just before you drain the spaghetti ,remember to boil along the broccoli for about a minute.

Meanwhile, heat up the Campbell's Mushroom Soup with a cup portion of water(I love to make it thick and gravy), add some chopped garlics and chopped mushrooms. Cook it for about five minutes until tender and mixed well, remember to stir frequently.Then, heat up a pan and saute some chicken dice and prawns for the dressing. Lastly, just serve the way you like with some cilantro and parsley if you wish to :) There you go.. ready to be served..!!!!

Tadaaaa.. Bon Appetite ..! I'm not a great cook but i'm happy to get my meal done by myself everyday :) Happy cooking..

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